Sunday, July 27, 2014

The rest of the story...

Well I decided to take my Saturday night and finish the rest of the tear down. We helped a great friend move to a new place earlier in the day. This new place had some dogs that were very friendly, one hates those rubber horse heads. Lily demonstrates.....

 After pulling off the rest of the cylinders and pistons, I could get started on the case. These actually looked pretty good. I'm going to take them somewhere I can accurately measure them so I know where I stand. But plus side of this mysterious place, its free!

After all of the studs are removed and I can get started on taking the pulley off the front. This is needed first before taking the last of the tin off to get the oil pump off. The pump's studs are on both halves of the case, if you do not remove the pump first then you can't get the two halves apart.
It took a lot to get this off, there is a special tool that I should probably invest in if I am going to do more of this.

So I took to lifting the whole thing up by the pulley and using a mallet to beat the two apart. There was some heat involved and some WD-40, and 90 minutes later.

But then it was time to get the case apart. The pump came out very easy, and I took the clutch off the back. I don't have the tools to lock the flywheel or the 36mm socket to remove the gland nut. Again this will be done at that mysterious "free" place.

The case came a part some what easy, as easy as you'd expect with only mallets and patience. Again there's a special tool for this, again, I should probably invest in if I am going to do more of this.

I had some help with reading off the dimensions of the journals for the bearings. It was awesome being able to teach her things about motors.
She surprised me when I was explaining the four motions of the piston. She knew them because of the kids encyclopedias she has in her room. She could name off all what the motor did in each stroke of the piston. When this motors starts going back together, she'll have all the blanks filled in. Whenever I have issues with the car in the future, I'm sure she'll tell me what's wrong with it.

You can see the crank behind Lily in that photo, well some more bad news....That #1 rod? Well, it doesn't look good.

What ever caused the demise, it also gouged the crank. The bearing looks really bad, the whole bearing was mashed to one side of the rod. So it looks like the engine kit I'm going to need will have to include a crank. I need to get a new battery for my caliper so I can see if the case is going to need machining. If it does, I need to see if there is enough to do it. I really hope that I can reuse the case, I still don't have the birth certificate for Hubert, but I'm almost 100% positive that is his original case.

Lily helped me get everything packed up in marked baggies, this is in case we need to do more investigating.

To finish the night, we had some shells and cheese!
We also watched an episode of "How its Made", I had a Sodastream special mix....

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