Monday, July 21, 2014

Minor Motor teardown

I got the motor pulled out of Hubert last fall, and started planning........
While still in the car (obviously) but with some exhaust, cooling tins, and bumper off.
And out, yes that's a paint can that was used as a jack stand, you would think I would have better options but I don't.
Very excited to finally get the motor out, its been since probably Y2K since I removed it for a clutch.
So I wanted to get started tearing apart the motor parts today. After getting the garage door open, because my opener shot plastic guards and gears all over the place the last time I tried to shut it, I just got the minor stuff apart, none of the major stuff yet. I had it on a table in the garage to start, the table was made from old folding table legs and a hollow set door. When I pulled the motor out of the car several months ago, I had some some help getting it up there, and to my surprise it has withstood the forces so far.

I decided to put the motor on something that would move, I have a co-worker that will let me borrow his engine stand, but I don't really need to use it until I go to put it all back together. So I found a cabinet in the garage that hasn't moved since I bought it on a company auction. So I still had mobility I put that on a creeper. This looks very red neck, but I was desperate to get the project started.

To keep this going, I'm going to publish this post and start working on the next. As a side note, I joined the forums, full of great information!

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